
Buy Mozart's Song "You're Not Alone" on Itunes, GooglePlay or Amazon!

January 14, 2015


You can buy Mozart's beautiful heart-touching original song, "You're Not Alone" now on itunes, Google Play, or Amazon! Just click on the links to the source that works the best for you and download it for just 99 cents and we'd so appreciate it if you'd write a postive review too!

Quite the moment in history for 14 year old Mozart to have her first song up on itunes in 8th grade! She wrote it about Human Trafficking to help the cause, but it's wise words speak to us all in an uplifting way.

By chance, she sang this new song at an audition for Tim Brynes ( of One Direction, Fifth Hamony, Little Mix etc fame) and Dallas Lovato. They said that she was amazing and Dallas so loved the song that she wants to use it in a movie trilogy she is doing about this topic. There were so many very  talented singers there that day, so it was thriling to hear that this song was the only one that gave them chills!

We were also so surprised & delighted by the love,support, over 17K views and over 300 beautiful comments she got on this song on youtube, which was done with just our little video camera.

Google Plus got it right, but the others goofed ( despite us making it very clear that this was an indie pop song by a girl with the first name of Mozart) and put her famous name sake, Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart where her names should go. That has been reported, so hopefully fixed soon. You can also listen to it and add it on Spotify.

We are so proud of her hard work and talent & grateful she is using her music to help and lift others. Thank you all for your support and caring!!

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You go Mozart! I bought it!! What a gorgeous song & what an amazing cause.


Wow! This really blew me away!! Mozart is so talented and has such a beautiful heart. I bought it and I know she is going to write many more hits in the future!! Great job too, Mom & Dad for supporting her gifts!! Look out world!!


What a way to start off 2015!! This song speaks volumes and I hope it makes it into the movie!! Mozart is simply amazing! I can't wait to hear more!!

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