
Mozart Sings "You're Not Alone" on the Radio & Possibly a Movie!

December 02, 2014

B3tvVyoCAAAfs0AMozart Sings "You're Not Alone"

Wow! Don't miss Mozart singing her beautiful original song, "You're Not Alone" on the radio December 2nd ( Tuesday) from 5-7pm ( Dallas Time) world wide! She'll sing a couple songs "Live" and be interviewed on Jar Radio and you can call in from ANY where! Go to  search for FBRN, then go to Talk Bowl to hear her and dial 214-556-6239 to ask her a question.

If you ever had a question for Mozart, or have a music-loving teen who does, please call!

Just before Thanksgiving Mozart played this heart-touching song (that she wrote to support the cause of stopping Human Trafficking) & others to Tim Byrne ( of One Direction, Fifth Harmony, Little Mix fame), Dallas Lovato and Maddie De La Garza ( Demi Lovato's sisters) who got chills from hearing it and thought she was amazing!

Dallas is showing it to producers of a movie trilogy that she is in as she thinks they will be interested in using Mozart's song "You're Not Alone" AND her as an actress in it! Mozart is going into the studio soon to make a professional recording of this song and it will be available on itunes.

Singer Mozart filming a music video

What a whirlwind of change this year has been! There is lots more going on behind the scenes and we will keep you posted. Hope your December is off to an exciting start too!

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Sue K

It's been such a busy time that I missed this. Wow, I am so impressed and proud of Mozart. This is simply beautiful!!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

I know Sue, it is such a busy time of year, so thanks so much for taking the time for your sweet comment!

You can watch some of the show here-

We'll keep you posted about the song when it is on itunes! Hope you have an amazing holiday season!!

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