
Cheapest Way To Travel Europe ( Budget Travel Must Read!)

July 05, 2022

Cheapest Way To Travel Europe ( Best Budget Travel Must Read!) soultravelers3 provence france

Why are Europeans so much smarter than Americans when it comes to budget travel in Europe? Thanks to the Euro/dollar exchange rates, this is a great time for Europe Summer travel and traveling to Europe with friends or family travel  now or in the fall. Our friends & travel experts Deb & Dave from The Planet D   were surprised how luxurious and cheap, camping in Spain and France was even with a tent and car, so gave some great tips because camping in Europe is different than in North America. Right now we are camping in our tiny house on wheels / remodeled vintage camper in a spectacular Barcelona beach resort for 20 dollars a day ( although prices will rise more in high season soon, but we will be gone then.... to a much cheaper European location)! Remember, we were in a bungalow here, so if you are not a tent or camper, this another cheap choice and way to do it. 

Cheapest Way To Travel Europe ( Budget Travel Must Read!) soultravevelers3  camping barcelona
We have our tent out with our camper to add privacy, shade and also finish some unpacking and repacking we need to do for the camper and our next adventure. We picked an isolated spot because we like the quiet and privacy .....

Cheapest Way To Travel Europe ( Budget Travel Must Read!) vintage camper remodel soultravelers3

...and making our magical, large, outdoor secret garden nook!

Camping europe van life soultravelers3 digital nomads

Most American's miss this secret, but it's not a secret to most Europeans (or even some  travelers from Australia & New Zealand that we have met. Yet, we almost never see American's or Canadians, so this bears repeating. There is not a city or sight in Europe that doesn't have a campsite nearby and almost all have cottages/bungalows to rent as well as places for RV's and tents. They are often spectacular resorts perfect for families, couples, boomers at very low prices outside of high season. 

Digital nomad life in europe with a camper van - soultravelers3

Above you can see Gar working on his laptop at our campsite in Bordeaux between the water park and pool that was surrounded by the world's best vineyards, near a lake with ducklings & a very short bike ride away from St. Emilion! Dubrovnik, Barcelona, Venice, Florence & Tuscany are just a few of our many favorites. Sometimes the price is as low as 11 dollars a night for total luxury! There are also some places where you can free camp, but it depends on the country and location. 

Cheapest Way To Travel Europe ( Budget Travel Must Read!) france travel with kids

Cynthia Harriman, author of Taking your Kids to Europe also highly recommends this route for families. Surprisingly, the small space is not that hard to adjust to and if you go slow, it is also not very expensive for gas as one is often taking mass transit, bikes, even long ferry rides which saves tremendously. Our young friends at Mr and Mrs Adventure are Americans who did lots of van life travel and camping in Europe pre pandemic and are back again doing it now in Portugal, so there really are advantages for all ages - be it in a van, small rv, or car and tent, or bungalow and it is also a great way to meet Europeans who love luxury budget travel and having playmates if you travel with kids. As seniors, we love it that we can live so much more luxuriously,  see the world, do slow travel, and live on so much less than we did in California. 

Have you camped in Europe yet or is it on your list? 

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