
Wings! Mozart Rocks Little Mix and Looks/Sings Like a Pop Star!

June 05, 2014

travel teen Mozart sings like a Pop star!

"Amazing performance. She has the whole package" they remarked as singer Mozart left the huge stage of the famous Gas Monkey, one of the hottest venues in Dallas, Texas where stars like Willie Nelson play nightly.

( It's owned by TV star Richard Rawlings of Discovery Channel's hit show Fast n' Loud fame).

“If you're young and talented, it's like you have wings.” Murakami

What do you think? Don't miss her getting the trophy at the end. 

Please spread this video and leave comments!


As proud as we were of her and all the great compliments and audience reaction, I must admit we were all a bit shocked to see our 13 year old in make up and looking so much like a real pop sensation. Mozart was even shocked when she looked in the mirror.


This is only her third time on a professional stage and she had to put this together quickly, while also studying for her SAT test this Saturday. She had to wait several hours in the hot sun before going on. Thus through this trial and error of "doing" she is learning how to handle all the "pressure-cooker" aspects of performance and putting her self out there.


I've got a whole story coming about the make up, done by the best in Dallas, the amazing Terri Tomlinson.

Travel teen singer mozart sings at the Gas Monkey Bar n Grill in Dallas


One reader told me she felt some melancholy in watching this video because she would miss meeting Mozart as a young child. I can understand that melancholy. I feel her childhood slipping through my fingers fast these days as she heads towards fourteen this fall. 


Though I think when she runs up to get the trophy in the end can see that she is still mostly kid. She weighs all of 78 pounds and still wearing little girl size 8 and 10, though growing like a weed now.

Mozart travel teen sings, plays piano and violin and guitar


Still, the woman is starting to emerge and it is exciting, frightening and inspiring all at once! I can see how our readers will feel some of this as well. Melancholy to see the childhood melting away, but thrilling to see the adult talents and personality emerging. Life is change!


This video was only done last December, five months ago and she seems about the same, so partly it is the make up that has an impact. I had no idea her eyes would take on a young Elizabeth Taylor look with eye make up!


Her big goal is still about changing the world and spreading light through her music, speaking, acting and art. This is the time of her life when she learns her craft and all that it takes to become an artist and has many advantages through her homeschool freedom to lean into things and learn by doing.

We believe the artist is a servant for humanity and one can minister through music and the arts.


Mozart writes songs every day, did 30 last month, and writes them in 3 languages, so is focusing on many aspects of this art form. Our next singing video will be her doing an original song while playing the piano. She also has performed Mandarin singing in Asia and in Dallas Chinatown that we have to get up.


Her travel lifestyle can't help but impact her music and global view point.

One long time reader said on Facebook:

"Wasn't it just the day before yesterday when we were first seeing her play her violin?"  E.A.

And linked this very first Youtube video of ours that went viral. Cute. Time flies when you are having fun!



Mozart has always had a passion for music, really from birth. She even did a playful rhythmic game with me while in the womb where she poked back from the inside in a circle after I tapped my pregnant belly to her. She was absolutely mesmerized at 9 months old when she saw her first symphony and began MusicTogether classes at a few months old which she loved.


She asked for opera at just a year old and probably has seen more opera and Shakespeare than any toddler/preschooler on record, all because we followed her lead. She begged for violin lessons ( because all the kids in our country neighborhood studied with Yale grad and amazing teacher Lisa Barca-Hall) and we got permission to start at just 21 months old because she was ready, an exception as most can't start until three.

Mozart at 2 playing violin performance - eyes intent on teachers instructions


She was performing on stage at 2 with violin and absolutely loved it. We have a filmed version of her at four at a concer, we want to get on Youtube,  and you can see her glowing pride/joy in performance. She started piano lessons at 3 with a great teacher, performed dancing in Nutcracker at 3 and was allowed to start early in Kindermusic classes based on her advanced musical ability and reading. She started writing songs at four.

So her musical precocity and interest should not be a surprise, but some how it is, because we have been more focused on langauge learning and travel, so didn't expect her passion for pop music. I did get a big "heads up" when she decided to join the choir in her Chinese school in Asia and was asked to sing a solo in front of thousands at ten years old and when she was a singing competion finalist there at 12.

Travel teen singer Mozart learning guitar


Mozart  will likely be the first singer who can communicate to most of the planet in their native language as few Americans are fluent in Chinese and Spanish. These are growing markets and even hot POP singers today are crossing over to Latin Billboard.

It is quite fascinating how many Latino celebrities don't speak espanol, even those on the Latin Billboard charts like Jlo, Selena Gomez, Christina Aguilera, and how much more advantageous that would be for the singers to deeply connect.

Travel teen singer Mozart playing piano and original song


We've long been passionate about Attachment parenting and think that principal is needed more than ever in the teen age years. We agree with renowned neuropsychiatrist Daniel Siegel that maintaining close connections and healthy attachments through the teen years is key since teens develop in the context of relationships.

“the work of adolescence—the testing of boundaries, the passion to explore what is unknown and exciting—can set the stage for the development of core character traits that will enable adolescents to go on to lead great lives of adventure and purpose.” Daniel Siegel

Mozart a talented singer, songwriter with star power


Mozart is already an entrepreneur, public speaker and language teacher and we believe in a child's  natural ability to teach themselves and design a personalized education program that is specific to the child or teen.

She is interested in a duo track now of combining singing AND preparing for a top University like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, Oxford etc..Luckily now, she has met amazing singer 22 year old Madison Greer who just graduated from Harvard, is a beautiful person and role model and sat next to us at the Gas Monkey show as one of the judges.

"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Thus, the only way to get better at something is to dig in, make mistakes, and get as much experience as possible following one's bliss and passion, plus deep learning from master teachers with extensive  experience in their area of passion.

Singing is an early peak kind of career ( especially for girls..if one is not singing opera) finding appropriate places for young talent to learn their craft, develop the talent and get experience performing is what this homeschooled child needs now to fufill her passion.

We think it is very important to support a teens dreams as an artist and prepare for the real world.

Mozart singing with all her heart to her fans


"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.” Zola

Mozart has always been a hard working kid with a good work ethic. Our travel life demands that we have a high level of cooperation, flexibility and acceptance, so it has trained her and all of us well.

Mozart - my beautiful girl with her guitar ready to rock the world

Many of us on planet earth have been going through lots of changes since last December and that is certainly true for us. The TV show has moved us into a whole new realm. We so appreciate your support and caring. I will leave you will these encouraging quotes from readers on Facebook where I posted the new video. So healing to have support when one is learning new things and taking new risks.


Ohhhh Yeahhhh!!! Hang on Mom & Dad, you're in for a ride That girl has the talent, the looks, and she OWNED that stage!!! She is fearless and bound for stardom. I'd say get in touch with The Voice (my fav) and be there for auditions...remember Danielle Bradley? Mozart's next! - JF

 I love the way she is obviously IN CHARGE of that stage and the song and her own charm and the audience . . .she has it all in her beautiful hands. I, for one, look forward to more!" - MS

 She's so talented! It's always so great when a person finds their talent within themselves and takes that and does everything they can with it. And for her to have such supportive parents makes all the difference. I'm so excited for you all! - A.S.

Mozart - a joyful, talented, singing travel musician with guitar

How have you been supported in your talents? Do you think teens should take risks and follow their passions? Have you found raising a teen is a whole new paradigm in parenting?

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WOW! Go Mozart! That was fantastic.

I wish my parents had given me the support you are given.

Really beautiful to watch.

Look out world, that girl has something special. ;)


OMG. Amazing. I could hardly believe that was Mozart. She does look like a pro and seems to have made some fast progress.

Good luck!


Yes, I do think raising a teen is a whole new paradigm in parenting!

You are doing a great job with Mozart and she is stunning and so talented. Fun to watch this new phase.

My teen son is into acting and dancing so I can relate!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Jill! She is a lucky kid, but she does her part for sure. ;)

So appreciate your kind words!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks so much Jessica! I know what you mean, we were all shocked too. ;)

She is making fast progress!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Penelope! It's a wild and crazy phase, isn't it? Good luck to your son and good for you in supporting him.

Honored by your kind words!

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