13 Year Old Mozart Sings Time After Time
March 31, 2014

We are so proud of 13 year old Mozart who just did her first singing showcase which had an 80's theme so she sang Time After Time. She added curly hair, fashionista clothes and Cyndi Lauper/Eva Cassidy dazzle to this award winning, classic Pop song.

Many of you have been asking for this singing video, so we decided to put it up, even though she has only had 5 voice lessons and is at the beginning of building this craft and art form. All voices do not reach maturity until one's 20's to 30's.
Thankfully, her training in violin, piano and advanced music theory ( even with our RTW travel life) helps support her passion for singing, but like most things with kids, it is a work in progress.
As a homeschooling/unschooling/ worldschooling family, we are all about supporting her choices and following her lead and right now her biggest passions are singing, songwriting, music, dancing, public speaking, and acting.
She has the added advantage that she can do this in three fluent languages as her biggest goal is to change the world.
We've just learned that she has a 4 octave range which is very unusual for a 13 year old, or really anyone and certainly to her advantage.
( Normally an untrained voice has a vocal range of about one and one-half octaves, while most trained singers have at least two usable octaves as training can expand a voice, though it is rare to have 4 usable octaves, especially this young).

To put it into perspective here are some vocal ranges for various singers: Britney Spears has 2 octaves, Madonna has 1 1/2 octaves, Alicia Keys 3 octaves, Jennifer Lopez has a 2 octave range, Kelly Clarkson has 3, Christina Aguilera has 4 etc. Octave range is just one aspect of singing (ie Aretha Franklin has a 3 octive range and Whitney Houston 5, but both had amazing voices in their prime).
Back in the day, I did some vocal training in NYC with an awesome coach who taught many stars on Broadway, so found out I have a 3 1/2 octave range. ( I didn't do it for singing, but to improve my speaking voice which needed to go from a Jackio-O-type-whisper...due to trauma... to my full capacities for stage acting.) Thus, I know first-hand the value of a great teacher when it comes to voice.

Many of you wondered why we came to Dallas from Asia. According to a book I just happened to read, (about brain development and learning), the best teachers in the world for both singing and also classical violin, are in Dallas, thus it seemed like a logical next step to explore these opportunities. ( Actually, the strings musical school was in New York, but its primary violin teacher lives here).
Our travel lifestyle has always been led by Mozart's educational needs. We travel to places that enrich her whether that is learning Spanish in Spain, making her film debut in Croatia, learning Mandarin in China, exploring the Grand Canyon, Harry Potter's World, or Santa Fe, learning to play the didgeridoo in Australia, swimming with dolphins in Portugal or what ever can help enrich her and expand her consciousness.

There is also a Mandarin-speaking Chinese community here and a Spanish-speaking Hispanic community, so she can continue with her language development as well. She continues teaching her 3 languages onine and in person.
Mozart has joined a Spanish-speaking Girl Scout troop here and is working on a STEM project for a badge with a University of Texas professor, has connected to an award-winning Mandarin-speaking violinist and conductor about joining a youth orchestra, is taking a songwriting class, giving a travel speech soon for the Dallas Public Libraries, dissected a fruit-fly larva in a chromosome experiment at the fabulous Perot Museum of Nature and Science, is taking fencing, learned some science at Dallas Arboretum etc.,....so she continues her well-rounded interests.

I am finding it fascinating that as our Mozart blossoms in her teen years, we parents are also going through a "coming of age" new phase as we try to figure out ways to support her and keep an open mind without any preconcieved ideas about her journey to adulthood, allowing and trusting her passions to lead the way.

As we have always done, we try to support her passions, give her many different opportunities to learn, grow and explore different ways of being. As non-singing, non-musical-instrument-playing parents, it's been an interesting and wild ride lately, but we are grateful we decided to take this risk and lean into the unique experiences available here.

As we excitedly plan our homeschool family trip to Europe soon, we also see that exploring Dallas and the opportunities here, has been as rewarding ( and sometimes overwhelming) as visiting any foreign country, as we adventure into these new waters of adolescence and the surprises they bring to all of us.
Despite the "big hair" look and mascara for performance, Mozart is still more kid than woman ( the clothes she wears are only 7/8 or 9/10 in kids sizes, though growing lightning fast now, over 5 foot and occasionally fitting into XS women's clothes). I find it is mind-blowing in some ways, as a mother, to see the babe I carried in my womb and breastfed, is now blossoming into womanhood.
It is almost as if she is turning into those Uffitzi Botticelli paintings she loved as a child like Birth of Venus and Spring and I just stand back in awe at this whole process and pray we are making the highest choices with her.
Perhaps it is because I am an older mom or because she is an "only", or maybe this is just normal for parenting a new teen in these fast moving "launching" years as they prepare for college and careers. I sometimes wonder how people do this with more than one.

Out of all the 80's songs she had to pick from, I am glad she chose this one as it seems aprapos on so many levels. As parents we are always here for her and hope to teach her to listen to the Spirit within, her inner guidance... which will always catch her and wait for her and support her.
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after time

Mozart is working on a current hit, up-tempo, Pop song now for another "live" showcase in May at a popular music performance venue in Dallas, as well as writing new songs she will perform soon. She might peform in Mandarin too with the Chinese community here.
We hope to get her first paid singing gig ( at a large Chinese wedding in Asia - a Mandarin song), up soon on our Youtube Channel as well as Pie Jesu that she sang at her recital at the International school in Asia and the Mandarin Pop song that she sang in her Chinese High School in Asia singing contest where she was the youngest finalist and won a trophy.
What do you think about this new adventure? Have you found parenting and homeschool takes on new colors when your kids hit their teens? Any advice about supporting an artistic teen? How do you support kids in areas you know little about?

OMG! She just won an A&R Award for best performance on her first cover song!!
"Congratulations! You have received a prestigious BEAT100 A&R Award. BEAT100 only gives these awards to selected individuals for their exceptional achievement. Our music video awards targets musical talent directly ensuring that the most talented artists, bands or musicians are the most rewarded for uploading well-written original music or songs, for displaying a strong vocal/musical performance, or for uploading an overall high-quality and well produced video."
Icing on the cake, eh?
For some reason we get a LOT more comments and conversation on Facebook than here, but they disappear fast due to other posts, so I am going to put them here for Mozart to keep forever:
Maggie Robinson :)) I follow you guys and know there's no end to her talents, but as much as the languages and instruments can be mostly taught, the singing.. ( this is coming from a person who cracks bathroom mirrors when her voice fills the room..) the singing is a pure talent. It's great you guys realised is so early and that she wants to develop it
Maggie Robinson ..also, great choice of song, love it
Margaret Sch She sounds and looks soooooooooooo much more mature than her years!!!
March 28 at 10:55am · Unlike · 1
Alia Scheirman Wow!!! Her voice is insanely amazing!!
Jeanne Dee Awww, how sweet Alia Scheirman! It is insanely amazing to get such a beautiful comment from a musician!!
Alia Scheirman I am so excited for you and for Mozart, just thinking about all of the future musical adventures to come for you guys.
March 31 at 9:24am · Unlike · 2
Jessica Larsson So lovely! When was this? Yeah, she has a wide range and power in her voice.
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Wow just woooowwwwww!
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Old soul
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Jessica Larsson! Remember the photos we put up here http://www.soultravelers3.com/.../mozart-beautiful-teen...?
So she JUST did this and we decided to put it up for all to see, even though she had only had 5 voice lessons, so is a work in progress as it takes a while to develop a voice from raw talent.
We didn't realize that she had a 4 octave range or was so precocious in singing until we had her evaluated here by top people in the world with voice and adolescent girls.
She has much to learn, but we already see improvement, so it was worth taking the risk of coming all this way. No one in Penang was at the level that she needed.
Surprisingly Dallas has one of the best voice teachers in the world and one of the best violin teachers. ....thus the main reason we came.
Mozart - Beautiful Teen Singer, Songwriter, Musician As the beautiful young teen... See More
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks so much Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy!
Nanis Karuna Kiddoe is so talented.
Jeanne Dee So sweet Nanis Karuna Thanks!
Silvina Dieguez where is the time gone!!!, Pretty, young and sweet, love you singing !!!
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Can I say badass without sounding bad? Hummmm I think yes!!! That is great!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy! This was such a fun surprise to top a beautiful day!!
Rachelle A. Zazzu I've always said Mozart is going to take over the world
Heather Lemaire-Beards Wow! Congratulations!
Jeanne Dee Ha! You are cute Rachelle A. Zazzu ( always!) and you make me smile. Mozart has such big dreams..even thinks about being president in her later years..and is a powerful soul...so fearless in many ways...so who knows where life will take her.
Theresa Jay WTG Mozart!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much! Theresa Jay Mozart always loves to hear that people are enjoying this!!
I am writing a post now about this with more details. Youtube ( especially on a channel as big as ours) is a bit like sticking your neck out when one is just learning something...but we decided to put it up and show her work in progress.
Voices don't mature naturally until 16 ( or even into 30's for opera etc). but she has a big voice she wants to share and learn how to perfect step by step.
Theresa Jay She's very talented and has great stage presence too. (I used to do a bit singing once upon a time so I'm familiar with what nerves can do. )
Jeanne Dee Great to hear Theresa Jay from someone in the know! We are not singers, so that makes it a challenge sometimes to support her singing and musical talents...not to mention the travel.....but we do what we can.
We hear repeatedly from her teachers etc what great stage presence and charisma she has. ( Hard for us to tell since we are the parents ,so not objective at all lol).
Her greatest joy is to perform and is surprisingly comfortable on stage and is lucky not to have stage fright. She does get excited but when she is done, she wishes she had more to sing and wants to go back onstage! LOL
She will be happy when she gets to the point to do several songs and do a set!
Theresa Jay Awesome. Just awesome!
Rachelle A. Zazzu WOW!!! She's beautiful.
Jeanne Dee So sweet Theresa Jay....Mozart is practicing violin now...but smiles with proud glee that people are liking this!
Theresa Jay Awwwwww…that makes my mama's heart so happy.
Jeanne Dee Awww, thanks so much dear Rachelle A. Zazzu!
Catherine Corona What a voice!!!! And she puts so much heart in every word!!!! Bravo for supporting her as a full expression of Soul! She is gorgeous too!!!
Michael Murphy Mozart is luckey to have you as a mom. What your giving her now is amazing. I know both our kid's are going to change the world.
Jeanne Dee Had to share it with you Theresa Jay!
Jeanne Dee Sooo happy to hear that Catherine Corona and Mozart will love to hear your appreciation and kind words! We do try to support her full expression of Soul...but parenting is more challenging and rewarding than I ever imagined!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Michael Murphy! She is lucky to have a great dad too...like I am sure you are to your son as well!! Mozart does hope to change the world. It is quite an honor to be parents of these kids, isn't it? Not always easy though...sometimes takes one to the edge.
Michael Murphy My son has had me on edge for the last several years but there is no other place I'd rather be. I love being a dad.. When you see your kids succeed in the way our kids are there is no better feeling in the world.
Jeanne Dee I hear ya Michael Murphy! It is such an honor to be a parent, isn't it? Hard work and sometimes overwhelming, but always worth it!
Jeanne Dee Thanks all!
Rosi Ro Beautiful voice!
March 30 at 9:14am · Unlike · 1
Jeanne Dee this is the video that won if you haven't seen it yet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyllbDQ81fY
http://www.soultravelers3.com/ for more on our permanent vacation around the wor... See More
Margalit Sturm Francus Congrats!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Margalit Sturm Francus...this was quite a surprise!
Margalit Sturm Francus She's so grown up ,Jeanne.And so beautiful.
Judy Cloutier Congratulations,
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Margalit Sturm Francus- She is growing up fast for sure...but still more kid than woman...still wears kid size 7/8 and 9/10!
Jeanne Dee I don't know anything about this award, but she is thrilled. Here is where it is - http://www.beat100.com/.../time-after-time---cyndi.../
13 year old Mozart"s first cover!
Donya Bautista Wow, She's SO Amazing!!! Go Mozart!!
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks Donya Bautista!!
Louise Davidson How AWESOME ... She deserves it to. Such a lovely performance with so much heart and soul
F River Hart Hale OMG She is awesome!!!
Peace Lily Congratulations Mozart! But not surprised ... ;0))x
March 31 at 6:25am · Unlike · 2
Jeanne Dee Thanks Alia Scheirman! We are excited too!!
Crystal Silver Pretty... I just love her hair... The opportunities you guys are exposing her to are amazing... She is gonna do great things in this world.
Crystal Silver I grew up singing/playing Cyndi Lauper, too... Hearing this brings back so many memories I'd nearly forgotten... But I still remember all the lyrics...
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks so much Crystal Silver! She has a big head of hair so we were amazed how curly it turned out...just set it on small sponge kind of rollers. It lasts for days..LOL
She is off to her songwriting mentor now working on a "green" song for an Earth Day songwriting contest. Fun how she can mix passions!
Natalie Amoroso I listened to it this morning while cleaning our little camper van and had the song stuck in my head all day. She has a lovely voice!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Louise Davidson! I sooo appreciate your feedback as a singer trained in voice! It is really hard to be objective as a parent who knows little about voice.
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much F River Hart Hale!
Judith Rich Fabulous!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Judith Rich!
Judith Rich You must be so proud!
Barbara Reyna File Give her my love. So proud of her!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much BJ! Hope your move went well!
Handan Başpınar Kemikoğlu For political reasons , you tube forbidden in Turkey
Jeanne Dee Wow Handan Kemikoğlu I didn't know that. Look for a VPN ( some are free and Witopia is the best) ..then you can see what you want. That is how many Chinese get around the blocks.
Handan Başpınar Kemikoğlu Thank you Jeanne Dee
April 2 at 8:23am · Unlike · 1
Charmine Srivastava Very good.she sang it her way.u guys must be so proud of her she's so talented.
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Charmine Srivastava! We are very proud indeed!
Valerie Ann Ditch Love following you folks on your adventures. Mozart very talented and confident young lady!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Valerie Ann Ditch! So happy to hear that!! We just never know where our adventures will take us!!
Lucinda Jenney That is a trip - wonderful performance by Mozart - so much fun -
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks Lucinda Jenney! She is loving the opportunities here to perform, learn and grow.
She is off just now to her songwriting mentor...working on her "green" inspiring song for an Earth Day songwriting contest!
Loving how she gets to work on several of her passions at once!!
If she is a finalist, she gets to sing in front of 60.000 etc which excites and motivates her..... ( would make me hide under the bed!!) LOL
She is a tiny girl with big dreams...makes me smile at the boundless optimism of youth.
Lucinda Jenney Fantastic - discipline and drive can provide real stability and happiness in an artist's life -
We are so proud of 13 year old Mozart who just did her first singing showcase which had an 80's theme so she sang Time After Time. She added curly hair, fashionista clothes and Cyndi Lauper/Eva Cassidy dazzle to this award winning, classic Pop song.
Many of you have been asking for this singing video, so we decided to put it up, even though she has only had 5 voice lessons and is at the beginning of building this craft and art form. All voices do not reach maturity until one's 20's to 30's.
Thankfully, her training in violin, piano and advanced music theory ( even with our RTW travel life) helps support her passion for singing, but like most things with kids, it is a work in progress.
As a homeschooling/unschooling/ worldschooling family, we are all about supporting her choices and following her lead and right now her biggest passions are singing, songwriting, music, dancing, public speaking, and acting.
She has the added advantage that she can do this in three fluent languages as her biggest goal is to change the world.
We've just learned that she has a 4 octave range which is very unusual for a 13 year old, or really anyone and certainly to her advantage.
( Normally an untrained voice has a vocal range of about one and one-half octaves, while most trained singers have at least two usable octaves as training can expand a voice, though it is rare to have 4 usable octaves, especially this young).
To put it into perspective here are some vocal ranges for various singers: Britney Spears has 2 octaves, Madonna has 1 1/2 octaves, Alicia Keys 3 octaves, Jennifer Lopez has a 2 octave range, Kelly Clarkson has 3, Christina Aguilera has 4 etc. Octave range is just one aspect of singing (ie Aretha Franklin has a 3 octive range and Whitney Houston 5, but both had amazing voices in their prime).
Back in the day, I did some vocal training in NYC with an awesome coach who taught many stars on Broadway, so found out I have a 3 1/2 octave range. ( I didn't do it for singing, but to improve my speaking voice which needed to go from a Jackio-O-type-whisper...due to trauma... to my full capacities for stage acting.) Thus, I know first-hand the value of a great teacher when it comes to voice.
Many of you wondered why we came to Dallas from Asia. According to a book I just happened to read, (about brain development and learning), the best teachers in the world for both singing and also classical violin, are in Dallas, thus it seemed like a logical next step to explore these opportunities. ( Actually, the strings musical school was in New York, but its primary violin teacher lives here).
Our travel lifestyle has always been led by Mozart's educational needs. We travel to places that enrich her whether that is learning Spanish in Spain, making her film debut in Croatia, learning Mandarin in China, exploring the Grand Canyon, Harry Potter's World, or Santa Fe, learning to play the didgeridoo in Australia, swimming with dolphins in Portugal or what ever can help enrich her and expand her consciousness.
There is also a Mandarin-speaking Chinese community here and a Spanish-speaking Hispanic community, so she can continue with her language development as well. She continues teaching her 3 languages onine and in person.
Mozart has joined a Spanish-speaking Girl Scout troop here and is working on a STEM project for a badge with a University of Texas professor, has connected to an award-winning Mandarin-speaking violinist and conductor about joining a youth orchestra, is taking a songwriting class, giving a travel speech soon for the Dallas Public Libraries, dissected a fruit-fly larva in a chromosome experiment at the fabulous Perot Museum of Nature and Science, is taking fencing, learned some science at Dallas Arboretum etc.,....so she continues her well-rounded interests.
I am finding it fascinating that as our Mozart blossoms in her teen years, we parents are also going through a "coming of age" new phase as we try to figure out ways to support her and keep an open mind without any preconcieved ideas about her journey to adulthood, allowing and trusting her passions to lead the way.
As we have always done, we try to support her passions, give her many different opportunities to learn, grow and explore different ways of being. As non-singing, non-musical-instrument-playing parents, it's been an interesting and wild ride lately, but we are grateful we decided to take this risk and lean into the unique experiences available here.
As we excitedly plan our homeschool family trip to Europe soon, we also see that exploring Dallas and the opportunities here, has been as rewarding ( and sometimes overwhelming) as visiting any foreign country, as we adventure into these new waters of adolescence and the surprises they bring to all of us.
Despite the "big hair" look and mascara for performance, Mozart is still more kid than woman ( the clothes she wears are only 7/8 or 9/10 in kids sizes, though growing lightning fast now, over 5 foot and occasionally fitting into XS women's clothes). I find it is mind-blowing in some ways, as a mother, to see the babe I carried in my womb and breastfed, is now blossoming into womanhood.
It is almost as if she is turning into those Uffitzi Botticelli paintings she loved as a child like Birth of Venus and Spring and I just stand back in awe at this whole process and pray we are making the highest choices with her.
Perhaps it is because I am an older mom or because she is an "only", or maybe this is just normal for parenting a new teen in these fast moving "launching" years as they prepare for college and careers. I sometimes wonder how people do this with more than one.
Out of all the 80's songs she had to pick from, I am glad she chose this one as it seems aprapos on so many levels. As parents we are always here for her and hope to teach her to listen to the Spirit within, her inner guidance... which will always catch her and wait for her and support her.
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after time
Mozart is working on a current hit, up-tempo, Pop song now for another "live" showcase in May at a popular music performance venue in Dallas, as well as writing new songs she will perform soon. She might peform in Mandarin too with the Chinese community here.
We hope to get her first paid singing gig ( at a large Chinese wedding in Asia - a Mandarin song), up soon on our Youtube Channel as well as Pie Jesu that she sang at her recital at the International school in Asia and the Mandarin Pop song that she sang in her Chinese High School in Asia singing contest where she was the youngest finalist and won a trophy.
What do you think about this new adventure? Have you found parenting and homeschool takes on new colors when your kids hit their teens? Any advice about supporting an artistic teen? How do you support kids in areas you know little about?
OMG! She just won an A&R Award for best performance on her first cover song!!
"Congratulations! You have received a prestigious BEAT100 A&R Award. BEAT100 only gives these awards to selected individuals for their exceptional achievement. Our music video awards targets musical talent directly ensuring that the most talented artists, bands or musicians are the most rewarded for uploading well-written original music or songs, for displaying a strong vocal/musical performance, or for uploading an overall high-quality and well produced video."
Icing on the cake, eh?
For some reason we get a LOT more comments and conversation on Facebook than here, but they disappear fast due to other posts, so I am going to put them here for Mozart to keep forever:
Alia Scheirman Wow!!! Her voice is insanely amazing!!
Jeanne Dee Awww, how sweet Alia Scheirman! It is insanely amazing to get such a beautiful comment from a musician!!
Alia Scheirman I am so excited for you and for Mozart, just thinking about all of the future musical adventures to come for you guys.March 31 at 9:24am · Unlike · 2
Jessica Larsson So lovely! When was this? Yeah, she has a wide range and power in her voice.
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Wow just woooowwwwww!
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Old soul
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Jessica Larsson! Remember the photos we put up here http://www.soultravelers3.com/.../mozart-beautiful-teen...?
So she JUST did this and we decided to put it up for all to see, even though she had only had 5 voice lessons, so is a work in progress as it takes a while to develop a voice from raw talent.
We didn't realize that she had a 4 octave range or was so precocious in singing until we had her evaluated here by top people in the world with voice and adolescent girls.
She has much to learn, but we already see improvement, so it was worth taking the risk of coming all this way. No one in Penang was at the level that she needed.
Surprisingly Dallas has one of the best voice teachers in the world and one of the best violin teachers. ....thus the main reason we came.www.soultravelers3.comMozart - Beautiful Teen Singer, Songwriter, Musician As the beautiful young teen... See More -
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks so much Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy!
Nanis Karuna Kiddoe is so talented.
Jeanne Dee So sweet Nanis Karuna Thanks!
Silvina Dieguez where is the time gone!!!, Pretty, young and sweet, love you singing !!!
Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy Can I say badass without sounding bad? Hummmm I think yes!!! That is great!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Ashley Poindexter-Tarmy! This was such a fun surprise to top a beautiful day!!
Rachelle A. Zazzu I've always said Mozart is going to take over the world
Heather Lemaire-Beards Wow! Congratulations!
Jeanne Dee Ha! You are cute Rachelle A. Zazzu ( always!) and you make me smile. Mozart has such big dreams..even thinks about being president in her later years..and is a powerful soul...so fearless in many ways...so who knows where life will take her.
Theresa Jay WTG Mozart!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much! Theresa Jay Mozart always loves to hear that people are enjoying this!!
I am writing a post now about this with more details. Youtube ( especially on a channel as big as ours) is a bit like sticking your neck out when one is just learning something...but we decided to put it up and show her work in progress.
Voices don't mature naturally until 16 ( or even into 30's for opera etc). but she has a big voice she wants to share and learn how to perfect step by step. -
Theresa Jay She's very talented and has great stage presence too. (I used to do a bit singing once upon a time so I'm familiar with what nerves can do. )
Jeanne Dee Great to hear Theresa Jay from someone in the know! We are not singers, so that makes it a challenge sometimes to support her singing and musical talents...not to mention the travel.....but we do what we can.
We hear repeatedly from her teachers etc what great stage presence and charisma she has. ( Hard for us to tell since we are the parents ,so not objective at all lol).
Her greatest joy is to perform and is surprisingly comfortable on stage and is lucky not to have stage fright. She does get excited but when she is done, she wishes she had more to sing and wants to go back onstage! LOL
She will be happy when she gets to the point to do several songs and do a set! -
Theresa Jay Awesome. Just awesome!
Rachelle A. Zazzu WOW!!! She's beautiful.
Jeanne Dee So sweet Theresa Jay....Mozart is practicing violin now...but smiles with proud glee that people are liking this!
Theresa Jay Awwwwww…that makes my mama's heart so happy.
Jeanne Dee Awww, thanks so much dear Rachelle A. Zazzu!
Catherine Corona What a voice!!!! And she puts so much heart in every word!!!! Bravo for supporting her as a full expression of Soul! She is gorgeous too!!!
Michael Murphy Mozart is luckey to have you as a mom. What your giving her now is amazing. I know both our kid's are going to change the world.
Jeanne Dee Had to share it with you Theresa Jay!
Jeanne Dee Sooo happy to hear that Catherine Corona and Mozart will love to hear your appreciation and kind words! We do try to support her full expression of Soul...but parenting is more challenging and rewarding than I ever imagined!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Michael Murphy! She is lucky to have a great dad too...like I am sure you are to your son as well!! Mozart does hope to change the world. It is quite an honor to be parents of these kids, isn't it? Not always easy though...sometimes takes one to the edge.
Michael Murphy My son has had me on edge for the last several years but there is no other place I'd rather be. I love being a dad.. When you see your kids succeed in the way our kids are there is no better feeling in the world.
Jeanne Dee I hear ya Michael Murphy! It is such an honor to be a parent, isn't it? Hard work and sometimes overwhelming, but always worth it!
Jeanne Dee Thanks all!
Rosi Ro Beautiful voice!March 30 at 9:14am · Unlike · 1
Jeanne Dee this is the video that won if you haven't seen it yet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyllbDQ81fYwww.youtube.comhttp://www.soultravelers3.com/ for more on our permanent vacation around the wor... See More
Margalit Sturm Francus Congrats!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Margalit Sturm Francus...this was quite a surprise!
Margalit Sturm Francus She's so grown up ,Jeanne.And so beautiful.
Judy Cloutier Congratulations,
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Margalit Sturm Francus- She is growing up fast for sure...but still more kid than woman...still wears kid size 7/8 and 9/10!
Jeanne Dee I don't know anything about this award, but she is thrilled. Here is where it is - http://www.beat100.com/.../time-after-time---cyndi.../www.beat100.com13 year old Mozart"s first cover!
Donya Bautista Wow, She's SO Amazing!!! Go Mozart!!
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks Donya Bautista!!
Louise Davidson How AWESOME ... She deserves it to. Such a lovely performance with so much heart and soul
F River Hart Hale OMG She is awesome!!!
Peace Lily Congratulations Mozart! But not surprised ... ;0))xMarch 31 at 6:25am · Unlike · 2
Jeanne Dee Thanks Alia Scheirman! We are excited too!!
Crystal Silver Pretty... I just love her hair... The opportunities you guys are exposing her to are amazing... She is gonna do great things in this world.
Crystal Silver I grew up singing/playing Cyndi Lauper, too... Hearing this brings back so many memories I'd nearly forgotten... But I still remember all the lyrics...
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks so much Crystal Silver! She has a big head of hair so we were amazed how curly it turned out...just set it on small sponge kind of rollers. It lasts for days..LOL
She is off to her songwriting mentor now working on a "green" song for an Earth Day songwriting contest. Fun how she can mix passions! -
Natalie Amoroso I listened to it this morning while cleaning our little camper van and had the song stuck in my head all day. She has a lovely voice!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Louise Davidson! I sooo appreciate your feedback as a singer trained in voice! It is really hard to be objective as a parent who knows little about voice.
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much F River Hart Hale!
Judith Rich Fabulous!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Judith Rich!
Judith Rich You must be so proud!
Barbara Reyna File Give her my love. So proud of her!!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much BJ! Hope your move went well!
Handan Başpınar Kemikoğlu For political reasons , you tube forbidden in Turkey
Jeanne Dee Wow Handan Kemikoğlu I didn't know that. Look for a VPN ( some are free and Witopia is the best) ..then you can see what you want. That is how many Chinese get around the blocks.
Handan Başpınar Kemikoğlu Thank you Jeanne DeeApril 2 at 8:23am · Unlike · 1
Charmine Srivastava Very good.she sang it her way.u guys must be so proud of her she's so talented.
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Charmine Srivastava! We are very proud indeed!
Valerie Ann Ditch Love following you folks on your adventures. Mozart very talented and confident young lady!
Jeanne Dee Thanks so much Valerie Ann Ditch! So happy to hear that!! We just never know where our adventures will take us!!
Lucinda Jenney That is a trip - wonderful performance by Mozart - so much fun -
Jeanne Dee Aw, thanks Lucinda Jenney! She is loving the opportunities here to perform, learn and grow.
She is off just now to her songwriting mentor...working on her "green" inspiring song for an Earth Day songwriting contest!
Loving how she gets to work on several of her passions at once!!
If she is a finalist, she gets to sing in front of 60.000 etc which excites and motivates her..... ( would make me hide under the bed!!) LOL
She is a tiny girl with big dreams...makes me smile at the boundless optimism of youth. -
Lucinda Jenney Fantastic - discipline and drive can provide real stability and happiness in an artist's life -
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Congrats!! :)
Posted by: abluepatronus | March 31, 2014 at 11:49 AM
Thanks so much Abbie!1
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | March 31, 2014 at 12:12 PM