
Best Place to Buy a Didgeridoo in Sydney? Gifts at the Quay!

March 20, 2014

Playing the didgeridoo with gorgeous view of Sydney harbor

Looking to buy a didgeridoo in Sydney? Then head to "Gifts at the Quay" in beautiful Sydney's city center. They have authentic Aboriginal art and Australia's finest collection of didgeridoos. Other names for didgeridoos are didjeridu, Yidaki, mago Yirdaki, dijeridu and more.


They even ship these Aboriginal "outback" best didgeridoos around the world if Sydney is too far away for you. This savvy father and son team have been selling didgeridoos for 20 years and know what quality is. The didgeridoo is the world's most healing instrument, but also a work of art and cultural souvenir.

Aboriginal playing didgeridoo


We discovered this gem through Four Seasons Sydney. Our teen Mozart is a musician,singer, and prolific songwriter, so they arranged some didgeridoo lessons in our gorgeous suite.

Mozart was lucky to jam with an Aboriginal didgeridoo player, (in full ceremonial paint), on our first trip to Australia and this time she learned how to play it and discovered Steven Tyler loves them and shops at Gifts of the Quay too! You will love this video:


Until our first trip to Australia a few years ago, I had never heard the word didgeridoo, but recently, during our healing journey, it was recommended to us by Mouth Matters author Carol Vander Stoep.

There is no other instrument as potent for health ( based on scientific studies) and it is almost identical to the Buteyko breathing technique and similar to the meditation breathing achieved by yoga masters.


A recent Australian study found that playing the didgeridoo can “significantly improve respiratory function” and heal asthma while the British Medical Journal found that practicing the didgeridoo helped reduce snoring, sleep apnea, as well as daytime sleepiness in a 2005 published a study.

learning didgeridoo at Four Seasons Sydney with Gifts of the Quay store owner and master didge  player


The didgeridoo is a sacred, ancient Aboriginal instrument that has been a healing tool for at least 40,000 years and is called "the mother of all flutes".


It is the oldest wind pipe in the world and is traditionally made from living eucalyptus trees that are naturally hallowed out by termites, given months to "season", then the bark is removed, the interior cleansed, the outside is sanded, then sealed, often painted with earth pigments or burnt with art, then natural beeswax is used for a mouthpiece.


I find it fascinating that such a simple instrument is capable of producing this much primodial reverberation and vast array of intricate, mystical tone colors that appeals to both Aboriginal culture and world-wide new age spiritual/healing communities.

travel kid Mozart about to jam one on one with Aboriginal didge player in ceremonial paint  in Sydney


Playing the didgeridoo promotes deep breathing, so puts one into a meditative state and more relaxed state of mind. The harmonic vibrational sound produces a low frequency sound and literally vibrates the jaw, head and throat areas.

To properly play one needs great facility over your entire respiratory system; throat, tongue, lips, jaw, diaphragm, abdominal, intercostal muscles and voice. If you play it for any significant length of time you are likely to go into a natural trance-like state.

The drone sound is soothing and healing to listen to and some point the end of the didgeridoo onto another persons body to aid in healing from the sound vibrations ( part of ancient Aboriginal healing methods). Some believe it has a healing effect on living tissue and promotes unblocking of energy and the sound waves can heal chronic pain conditions. This coincides with current studies about the benefits of vibration on bone, muscle and hormonal function.

trilingual travel teen Mozart in meditative state playing the didgeridoo in Australia


Sadly most didgeridoos found on the internet are made with cheap labor in China, India or Indonesia,  creating ecological damage on many levels. Even many sold on Australian sites are not made or painted by Aboriginal artists and 99.9% of all didgeridoos sold on the global market are not indigenously crafted and painted.

We liked Gifts at the Quay because they work with a wide range of Aboriginal artists to create such beautiful pieces of art; quality didjes hand-picked for their sound quality and workmanship.Each artist gets a royalty after it is sold as well as the wholesale price paid for it.

world traveling kid Mozart jamming with Aboriginal friend in Australia in full ceremonial paint

After Mozart lucked out with that amazing private jam session with our new Aboriginal friend in Sydney on our first visit to Australia, we've been intrigued with this culture and music ( as we were with the related Hawaiian,Tahiti and New Zealand native cultures).


We also really enjoyed meeting Sonny and his father when we were in Sydney. We had a lot of fun when he came to our suite to give us all a private lesson in didge playing and also visited the charming store a few times trying to decide which didgeridoo to make our own.

Gifts of the Quay cool, best  didgeridoos

Didgeridoos vary in price depending upon the wood, quality of sound, rarity of shape, size, and how much time went into the  artwork. I even like the handy carrying case that came with ours.

Gifts of the Quay owner Sonny teaching us didgeridoo lessons

I can't tell you how much we giggled though out the lesson with Sonny.

Gifts of the Quay didgeridoo learning

He was patient with all of us as well and taught us the tricks and secrets to this cool instrument that he has been playing since childhood.

travel kid Mozart learning the didge

See that funny face on Mozart that reminds me of her baby face? She is doing the all-important relaxed lip vibration flutter thing...kind of like a horse. This is an important part of playing a didgeridoo.

Gifts of the Quay best didgeridoos

Making that long drone sound is the next part.

Gifts of the Quay awesome authentic Aboriginal  didgeridoos

After working hard and mastering the amazing didgeridoo, Mozart decided it was time to include the whole family!

your turn!

 You can see Davinci playing in an ealier photo and hear I give it my best shot.

Gifts of the Quay store owner teaching didgeridoo

It is harder than it seems at first, but once you get the hang of itand relax, it gets much easier.

travel teen Mozart cracking up

There were endless giggles and a bit of tomfoolery.

Gifts of the Quay

Mixed with some serious learning.

da dum!

And of course, a little theatrical falir from Ms. Mozart as she mastered the basics.

We are very picky about who we choose as sponsors and only pick people/ businesses that we admire, trust, and have a quality product or business  that we think you will benefit from as well. We think you will be as happy with the father and son team at Gifts of the Quay as we were!

Thank you to Gifts at the Quay for sponsoring this review. All opinions are mine, as always.

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